Run your payroll from any computer with an internet connection. Let your employees record their hours on the go with our mobile software.
One of the best things about FlexiPayroll is that there is no complicated pricing structure for payroll services.
Unlike other outsourced payroll providers, there are no hidden set monthly fees, no tie-ins, and no sliding scale depending on the size of your business. We believe in keeping things much simpler. Here is how it breaks down for most businesses:
$15 + GST (per employee per month) with a minimum spend of $50.00 + GST per month.
That’s as Simple as that, regardless of whether you have one employee, or a hundred.
Our customers receive a monthly invoice during the first week of the following month and pay by direct debit on 10th of that month.
Don’t hesitate to ask us something. Email us directly or call us at 0800 88 70 70.
You can check out our FAQ and About Us page to get more information about our products.
0800 88 70 70